Jak ktoś ma czas niech czyta
Michael Turner
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Wyłącz dla następującego języka: angielski
Przykro mi, ale moj język polski nie jest bardzo dobra, więc napisalem w języku angielskim. Proszę uzywac: http : //translate . google . pl/
Jesli to mozliwe, proszę mi odpowiedziec w języku angielskim.
The car works and stands in perfect condition, I never had any problems with the engine and the car has no accidents. I live in Workington, United Kingdom with my family. I am engineer and I have worked in ( panele sloneczne ) in Poland for the last 4 years and there I bought the car. The car has all the documents and registration numbers of your country. I have taken the car with me with the intention of registering but I didn't know that here in the United Kingdom I can not register ( the taxes are very high because the steering wheel is on the left side ), and anyway here I have the family car and I do not need a second car. I am agree to transport the car to your address on my costs.
Michael Turner
do Michael
Hi Michael
my English is at a basic level, so forgive me for all the mistakes and I hope you understand what I wanted to write.
I want to buy this car. When and how we can make a deal. Can I pay in PLN ( zł )? If U prefer I can pay in a different currency.
do mnie
First i must tell you that the car got Customs clearance in Poland. That means that you will not pay customs taxes.
The car is in Very good condition , no damages , no accidents , no scratches and the engine runs great . The car is in very good condition inside and outside . I am a non smoker person and i really take care of my cars.
I told you that i am living in United Kingdom and the car is here with me. This is not a problem from me and i hope it is not for you also.
The car has Poland documents and Poland plates number.
When i have returned from my job in Poland i have taken the car with me , with the intention of registering the car here in UK , unfortunately the taxes are to high so i did not register it. I have tried to sell it here with Poland number but nobody want to buy it.
A friend advice me to try to sell the back in Poland because maybe there i will have better luck.
If you have the opportunity to come here then it will be perfect.
If not , then i am ready to transport the car back to Poland and pay the costs of the transport.I will use a transport company for this transport .
The process is very easy. This company will handle the delivery of the car and also they will handle all the registration papers. If you want, the company will help you with all the registration papers in your country!
Please don't contact me if you do not have the money for the car or if you only e-mail for simple curiosity!
Best regards
do Michael
Is couple things to explain:
1. Who will write agreemen?
2. Who will take the money?
3. Before I buy it I want check him in opel service to make sure.
4. What is your final price and in what currency you want to be paid.
Michael Turner
do mnie
Hello ,
The price of the car (final price 15,900 PLN) include all the shipping taxes and all the other fees so you will need to pay only the amount for the car and nothing extra. It will come with original documents, the shipping company will handle all the details of the transaction , they will deliver you the car at your home address so you don`t have to go and pick it up .
The transport will be done by truck directly to your address . The transport will take 5-7 days.
By dealing with this third party means dealing with a neutral party , a company that verifies if the merchandise is sent and correspond to what seller agreed with the buyer and release the money only after the merchandise was accepted. I used this service before and they will help us do the deal safe and easy.
You will have an inspection period of 3-5 days . In this time you can check and inspect the car. A company agent will be there to help you to register the car.
The payment will be made to the third party, not to me, after I start the delivery of the car, when you have the tracking number!!If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it isn't like I describe it) you can reject the deal. In this case the company will refund you totally amount that you have send to them and send the car back to me on my costs.
In the moment when i will start the transport , the car will be verified by an company trade qualified automotive technician and all the documents will be verified by Interpol and Customs Department.
All the transaction will be certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs of United Kingdom.
About payment : You will pay to company and company will send me the amount after when you check the car in service and say OK .
Please e-mail me with your decision and your full name , address and phone number!!!
do Michael
What is the name of that company, I want check them before I make a decision.
do Michael
I simply prefer to make sure before I give so much money, I am rather convinced to buy this car.
do mnie
The name of company it HAB Logistic Europe
Web page it :
http://www.habeuropelogistic.esy.esthank you
do Michael
One more thing, give my car plate number and
VIN please
Michael Turner
do mnie
I can not sent you a copy of the car documents or the VIN number or number plates, i was advise by the local police that this documents can be cloned and i can have big problems later.
I am sorry
do Michael
I'm sorry, the case is not clear to me,
I can I buy a car but in Poland. It was not until I see him and check on an authorized service center and then i can pay.
Z rozmowy Można wywnioskować że gość chciał zarejestrować auto w Anglii ale zaskoczyły go wysokie podatki więc chce sprzedać w Polsce i ten pomysł podsuną mu kolega, co ciekawe wcześniej już korzystał z tego przewoźnika. Numerów vin nie chce podać ani tablic rejestracyjnych . Śmierdzi na odległość od Polski aż do Anglii