wczoraj otrzymalismy takiego maila w odpowiedzi na ogłoszenie na otomoto dotyczące superanckiej "cytrynki" C4 , okazja jedyna w swoim rodzaju: Citroën C4 HDI 2011 - 15 500 PLN
Mr/ms Customer,
My name is Frank Willmark and I represent FINANCE U (NI) LIMITED, United Kingdom.
The vehicle that you are interested in, it was under a leasing contract at FINANCE U (NI) LIMITED. The owner was unable to pay his monthly installments to our company, so we had to recover this vehicle.
We are selling it at this price, to recover the debit of the leasing contract.
This is the final price of this car with no other liabilities (debts) or hidden taxes to our company.
The vehicle is European version with the steering wheel original on the left side ( in excellent condition, never involved in accidents) exactly as you can see it in the pictures. It will come with service book, all documents required for registration and 6 months warranty from our company.
We have our own Logistics Division and we offer you very attractive delivery services at reasonable rates (only fuel and highway fees).
In order to minimize the costs of this transaction, we are billing only fuel and highway fees.
Please tell us your exact location in order to give you cost for delivery. Given that this is our first transaction, we prefer to use Allegro transactions to make sure that you'll get your vehicle and we will get the money in a safe way.
For more details just reply to this e-mail.
Thank you.
Frank Willmark
Zarejestrowanych Nie NI068700
8 William Street
Cookstown BT80 8NB
Zjednoczone Królestwo
Fax 0044 28 86280021
oraz na zapytanie jaka będzie ostateczna cena wraz z dowozem otrzymałam maila:
Mr/ms Customer,
The delivery fees with one of our own trucks are 1,500.00 PLN (including transport insurance). So the total price will be 17 000 PLN ( 15 500 PLN = vehicle + 1500 PLN = transport fees )VAT included.
As we have mentioned in our first email we prefer to use Allegro transactions which is to everyone benefit.
If you're not familiar with the Allegro transactions neutral third-party, it works like this:
After the transaction is started, you are invited to deposit the vehicle price - 17 000 PLN - in a neutral Allegro regional bank account (our company does not have access to this account). This bank account will be given to you by Allegro after we will start the transaction.
After the amount is deposited into Allegro regional bank account, our company will deliver you the vehicle for a 7 days inspection period during which you need to decide whether to accept the vehicle or not ( the vehicle will be delivered at the requested address ).
If you reject it, your deposit is returned in full by Allegro and we have to arrange shipping back for the vehicle on our expense.
If you choose to accept the vehicle, you have to give your consent to Allegro so the money will be transferred into our company account.
The vehicle will be provided with all documents necessary for registration (all vehicle documents, purchase-sale agreement, invoice) and also 6 months warranty.
Delivery will take up to 4 days and of course the vehicle will be insured during transport. This works for us because we see the money exists and is held by Allegro transactions in a secured account. It works for you too because the deposit is also guaranteed by Allegro transactions.
If you want to buy the vehicle we need the following details to start the transaction:
Full Name:
Full address:
Zip Code:
Phone number:
Scanned passport copy, ID card or driving license ( to confirm your details ).
*Note: In order to avoid waste of time and money please answer back only if you are really interested in our offer because at this price the vehicle is not going to be on the market for long.
czyli pan Frank to kolejny (lub ten sam pod inna nazwą) naciągacz i oszust.
Wychodzi na to że całkiem nieźle sobie poczyna nadal, bo jak widze to forum zaczęło sie w zeszłym roku, a dzieki Bogu zaraz bedzie połowa 2013.
sparwdziłam adresy, numery - nic takiego co podał nie ma
no i trzeba przyznac - fotki auta to mu sie udały
Dzieki za forum, bo uchroniłam budżet domowy przed strata 17 tys zł - bo mój mąż juz chciał płacić
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