Sprzedaż auta za granicę... podejrzane...

31 Paź 2011, 08:55

ja przerabiałem ten sam temat. Od razu wydało mi się coś podejrzane bo koleś zaakceptował kwotę i chciał płacić. Prosił o nr konta...wszystkie dane banku i mój adres. Więc mu podałem wszystko zmyślone a nr konta z jedną cyfrą inną. Co się okazało, napisał że przelał pieniądze do swojego banku, później jego bank wysłał do mnie zaświadczenia, że dostał pieniądze i jak tylko wpłacę jakąś opłatę to bank mi pieniądze wypłaci. Po auto miał przyjechać agent. Wszystko było ładnie....tylko jak niby mógł przelać skoro miał błędny nr konta ?? Wtedy już wiedziałem że to przekręt!!! Potrzymałem go w zapewnieniach, że wszystko pięknie i ładnie a na sam koniec powiedziałem, że już sprzedałem....wkurzył się :D Jak odnajdę tego maila to tu zamieszaczę.
Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria

31 Paź 2011, 09:02

Mail z banku:ukryłem tylko swoje dane:

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group logoThe Royal Bank of Scotland Group logoThe Royal Bank of Scotland Group logoThe Royal Bank of Scotland Group logo


The Wire Transfer Order from Royal Bank Of Scotland Online Banking has been Approved .

Dear Beneficiary:Marek ????

This message confirms that the sum of € 2,100.00 EUR +€ 650.00 EUR has been sent to you by Mr Scott Micheal through Royal Bank Of Scotland Bank Online Payment Services. Below are the instructions you must follow to get the money credited into your bank account. Please find the necessary Payment Details below

Transaction Summary:

AUTO Amount

€ 2,100.00 EUR +€ 650.00 EUR
Transport Charges(Taxes inclusive)

€ 650.00 EUR

Transfer Charges

Date Placed


€ 2,750.00 EUR




AUTO Title

Honda Civic 1.4 benzyna
Transfer Status:

Wire Transfer Confirm
Transport Company

Jones Williams
300 Jersey Road
United Kingdom

Account Details for Remittant

Account Holder Name:Marek ?????.
Bank Name:Alior Bank (Polska)
Account Number: 09249000050000400050051108
Contact Number:888 ??? ???
Merchant:owner:Marek ....
Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria

31 Paź 2011, 09:04

Dear Beneficiary:Marek ????.

You have received an Automobile Payment of €2,100.00EUR.+€650.00EUR. Our Client.

We've placed a temporary pending on the funds of this transaction

As mentioned in the receipt of Payment and as per New Royal Bank Of Scotland BIKE CONSIGNMENT Payment policy, we have fully debited the total amount (above) from the buyer's account which included the Transport/Delivery Charges (Gbs Global Logistics).

In order to complete this transaction and get the funds approved in your account. We advice you go to nearest Western Union Office, and send the extra € 650.00 EUR. to the Transport Agent and send us a Scanned Copy/Photograph of your Western Union Transaction Receipt (in.JPG Format).

NOTE: This is important as a security measure to ensure safety of this transaction.Please, find below the name and address of the Transport Agent where the Funds would be sent via Western Union Money Transfer.

Click Here Locate Nearest Western Union Office

Transport Company Agent (GBS GLOBAL LOGISTICS)
Address: Name : Jones Williams
Gbs Global Logistics.
300 Jersey Road
United Kingdom

Your Account will be credited accordingly upon the receipt of details requested. Should either be sent in JPG format or send type details as:Sender's Name; Receiver's Name; MTCN; Amount Sent;

You may contact Royal Bank service through Email: [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] 0r contact direct Hot-Line +447023097576 or reply to this message directly using the reply button in your email to submit the required information and Quote the Above Transfer Number for quick recognition of this transaction.



Margaret Keane,
Executive Vice President
2001-2011 Royal Bank of Scotland,16 London Road Forest Hill, LONDON, SE23 3JA.
Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria

31 Paź 2011, 09:07

Poniżej trochę korespondencji z oszustem i jego zdziwienie, że auta już nie ma:


It's can't be so, you know that yesterday is a holiday..ok and the transfer of the money cannot be Make, so i wait to hear from you soon.


Subject: Re: PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE FOR THE CAR Honda Civic 1.4 benzyna 1997r.
From: marek???
To: [email widoczny po zalogowaniu]
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:17:47 +0100

Sorry but the car was sold yesterday. I was waiting for an email from a transportation company but nobody wrote.
In two hours I have a plane. I am flying on holiday and could not wait any longer.

Best Regards

Dnia 7 marca 2011 14:35 scott micheal [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] napisał(a):

I have just completed the Payment of the Car and i am sure you have received the Notification from my

Bank regarding the Payment, you can check your e-mail for confirmation of payment. I want

you to send me your address so that the pick up can be arranged, the item would be picked up by the

Gbs Global Logistics Company which I've been using for a while and they're very reliable. I

made an extra payment ? 650.00 EUR and i am sure you noticed that, you'll have to send the extra

amount to the Shipping Company through Western Union right away, so that they can come ahead for the

pick up and also you should send your address where they have to come for the pick up and also the

necessary Western Union Payment Information. I will need you to send the excess fund to my pick up

agent Headquarters where they normally confirm any commission payment to via western union money

transfer(this can be done from the post office, as they usually have a western union agent there).

Here is my pick up agent Headquarter info needed to send the money through Western Union.

Name:Jones Williams
Address:300 Jersey Road
Country:United Kingdom
Post Code:TW 75PJ
[email widoczny po zalogowaniu] />
I am sure you have all my name and address for all documentations regarding the item, and all other

documentations should be prepared by my Pick Up Agent. You should send the money soon so that the

Pick Up would be scheduled and you would know when the Pick Up would commence, make sure you're home.

I advice you to check both your inbox or junk/spam folder for the payment confirmation message.
So just make sure you send the extra amount to the Shipping Company right away so that you can get

your money immediately. It's Nice Doing Business With You. Get to mail me back soon with your


Best Regards
Scott Micheal
Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria

31 Paź 2011, 09:09


Hw about my money now? the payment cannot be reverse back.

Subject: RE: PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE FOR THE CAR Honda Civic 1.4 benzyna 1997r.
From: marek.?????
To: [email widoczny po zalogowaniu]
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:28:39 +0100

the customer came, paid cash and took the car.
once again sorry :(

Dnia 7 marca 2011 15:21 scott micheal [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] napisał(a):

It's can't be so, you know that yesterday is a holiday..ok and the transfer of the money cannot be Make, so i wait to hear from you soon.
Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria

31 Paź 2011, 09:13

Poniżej trochę korespondencji z oszustem.
Wszystko chętnie podawał, nawet kontakt do agenta. pisałem do niego (agenta) z innej skrzynki i innego nazwiska i twierdził, że wszystko się zgadza, chociaż nie podałem mu własnego nazwiska.

Thanks for the mail, i need your home address and as well address where car are parked.

Below is the contact information of the shipping company...
Name:John Andrew
Address:2 Moulton Avenue
City:Hounlow West
Country:United Kingdom
Post Code:TW3 4LR
Contact [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] />
So now you can contact them to know and send your home address to them to enable them make preparation on how to come for the pick up of the car from you.

What you're going to do now is to get back to me with your bank details so that the transfer of the money can be make as soon as possible.

I wait to hear from you soon.


Subject: Fwd: Re: RE: Honda Civic 1.4 benzyna 1997r.
From: marek.????
To: [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] />Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 15:40:17 +0100

Do you need my home address or address where car is parked and will wait for a shipment?
What company will pick up the car? Could you send me some details, contact person?
BTW Where did you find my advert?

Dnia 25 lutego 2011 13:28 scott micheal [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] napisał(a):


Thanks for the mail, i have make an inquiry from my Shipping Agent they said that it's going to cost about 650Euro for the shipment. So what you just need to do right now is to get back to me with your full home address so that i can forward it to them so that i can make preparation for the pick up of the car... What you need to do now is to get back to me with your bank details like this details below so that the transfer of the money can be make as soon as possible so that the pick up of the car can be commence with immediate effect.

Bank Name
Account Number
Swift Code
Iban Numer
Holders Name

So i Wait to hear from you soon.

Best Regards

Subject: RE: Honda Civic 1.4 benzyna 1997r.

From: marek????
To: [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] /> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:16:32 +0100

Are you shure that you wont to do it??
The car park in Cracow (Poland) so do you now what will be the price of the shipment??
Tell me what do you imagine this transaction? :)

best regards

Dnia 24 lutego 2011 18:51 scott micheal [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] napisał(a):

Posty: 7
Miejscowość: Austria
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17 Sty 2012, 18:10

ostatnio po wystawieniu auta na allegro miałem podobna propozycje od niejakiego Piotra Bobaka, polaka który na stałe od urodzenia mieszka w UK i sentymenty pchnęły go do zakupu auta z Polski. Poniżej wklejam tresc naszej mailowej korespondencji:


I understand everything that you said but i want you to know that i
have been using it for over 5 years and i did not have any problem
with it and right now i did not have any other means to make the
payment than paypal so i want you to trust me and send me your paypal
email and your name so that i can go for the payment as soon as

I will be waiting for your mail....

Piotr Bobak

On 1/16/12, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sorry, I cannot give you ma Paypal because i search little bit a internet
> and i found that this is some fake. If you want yours lawyer can pay by cash
> when he comes to take the car. Is no diffrent posibility to pay for car.

> "piotr bobak" [email widoczny po zalogowaniu] pisze:
>> Hello,
>> Yes i understand you but it is because i am a native of Poland
that is
>> why i want to buy the car from my country okay but is just that my
>> polish language is poor.Yes i agree with you and send me your
>> email and your name so that i can go for the payment as soon as
>> possible.
>> Get back to me as soon as possible.

>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> > Im glad that you want to buy my car but its still strange to me that you
>> > want to take this car to uk when you have so cheap cars there. You can buy
>> > some Vauxhall like this for about 600pounds. But if you want i can sell you
>> > my car. So yours lawyer can come to collect my car when i take off money
>> > from paypal to my bank account then im sure that everything is ok.When you
>> > make payment car is sold and there is no posibility to return car back.
>> > Sales agreement will be in polish and i will prepare it. It will be standard
>> > polish agreement. If everytihing i wrote here is fine for you i will
>> > give you my PayPal data to make the payment.

>> > "piotr bobak" pisze:
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> Yes kindly go and do that as soon as possible and send me
your paypal
>> >> email and your name so that i can go for the payment as
soon as
>> >> possible and also i want you to know that my lawyer will
come together
>> >> with the shipping company to sign the sales agreement
with you for me
>> >> okay.so kindly go and do that right now and send me your
paypal email
>> >> and your name so that i can go for the payment as soon as

>> >> On 1/14/12, xxxxxxxxxxxxl wrote:
>> >> > I have already paypal account but its still sets to my old uk adress, bank
>> >> > etc. I cannot change this at the moment but i will
try to do it in next few days. Please let me now how about the car. I
>> >> >
>> >> > "piotr bobak" pisze:
>> >> >> Hello,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Thanks for mail, i will like to inform you
that i agree with to
>> >> >> the
>> >> >> cost of it but presently am not in the country
am on a sea working and taking a little time to check this advert and i
will be paying you through PayPal because its fast and secure and
the only method for me to make the payment to you and i will be
arranging for the pick up of
>> >> >> the auto at your house door step,hope you have a
PayPal Account kindly send me your PayPal Email and Your Full Name or
you can open one at www.PayPal.com
I am a native of Polish but i live in UK at my earlier life with my parents.

>> >> >> Piotr Bobak.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On 1/14/12, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> >> >> > Its serviced all the time when
something's is wrong but this is very rare.
Its always done in time something like oil and filter change. Only
] problem is with airbag indicator but its only need
to remove socket from under the
driver seat and reset computer. That willbe cost about 100PLN.I
have this cars from november 2008 so I knw lot about
this car. I import it from Austria. Please tell my why you want take
this car to UK? You have so cheap cars there. Sorry but i dont use Paypal.
Money should be in cash or on my bank account. About the price - Last price
will be 5800PLN. I know there is lot of cheapest cars but this one is good
equipped and in good condition.It also have 4 airbags. I forgot to write this
in advert. Are you from Poland yours surname sounds polish:). Please tell
me about your idea to transport that car to uk. Maybe i have solution for
"piotr bobak" pisze:
When last was it serviced, how longhave you owned it?? and what's
your lowest price for it. I would be able to make payment through
paypal, i find it the easiest way to use my credit card safely and
is a safe and reliable method of payment... Let me know your price
for it .I hope to hear from you soon, and i
will make all transportation preparations for it to be transported
to my home in United Kingdom
I will be waiting for your mail...

Piotr Bobak

>> >> >> >> On 1/13/12, xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> >> >> >> > car from this advert is for sale:)
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> > "piotr bobak" pisze:
>> >> >> >> >> Advert available for sale?
Posty: 1
Prawo jazdy: 27 08 2001

02 Sty 2018, 18:30

Hej. Mam taką sytuację. George Morrison z UK chce kupic ode mnie toyotę yaris 1.5. mailujemy od 4 dni dzis wyslalem mu dane do przelewu na konto w aliorze, on 11.01 ma przyslac lawetę, a wcześniej zapłacić. Dziś przysłał mi skan paszportu zeby uzupełnić dane w umowie. Podpowiedzcie proszę czy to nie wygląda na jakiś przekręt? Czy muszę coś konkretnego zawrzeć w umowie i zgłosić do wydziału komunikacji, tablice rej.zostawic mu czy zabrac?
Czy wystarczy jak umowę podpiszemy mailowo, zeskanowaną?
Posty: 2
Prawo jazdy: 05 06 1997
Przebieg/rok: 21tys. km
Auto: Yaris
Silnik: 1.5
Paliwo: Benzyna
Typ: Hatchback
Rok produkcji: 2003

02 Sty 2018, 19:23

hudzitson napisał(a): Podpowiedzcie proszę czy to nie wygląda na jakiś przekręt?

Przeczytaj cały temat, to będziesz wiedział :lol:
Nie wozi się drzewa do lasu :mrgreen:
Oprócz aut w stopce, wiem co nieco jeszcze na temat Pandy III, Lancera IX, Vitary 1,6 i Outlandera 2.0
Stały forumowicz
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3790
Zdjęcia: 15
Miejscowość: Pieniężno
Prawo jazdy: 29 11 1984
Przebieg/rok: 30tys. km
Auto: Duster , Tucson 2.0D 4x4
Silnik: 1.0 100KM 2.0D 112KM
Paliwo: Benzyna + LPG
Typ: SUV
Skrzynia biegów: Manualna

02 Sty 2018, 19:24

Czytalem;) to czekam na przelew, a potem sie będę martwił.
Posty: 2
Prawo jazdy: 05 06 1997
Przebieg/rok: 21tys. km
Auto: Yaris
Silnik: 1.5
Paliwo: Benzyna
Typ: Hatchback
Rok produkcji: 2003